Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Monsters" Sequel Gets New Director and Title

Yet more news from Godzilla director Gareth Edwards!

While he's no doubt working hard on that Godzilla movie...he's also putting work towards the sequel to his surprise hit Monsters.

We now know the title of the sequel along with its director:

It is going to be called "Monsters: Dark Continent" and will be directed by Tom Green (the director...not the comedian).

This confirms that Gareth will only produce the movie and not really tie his hands up while working on Godzilla.

Sounds like a plan and here's to the sequel being as good as the original!

For the full info along with what the story is going to be about, check it out here:

Monsters Sequel gets new Director and Title

The Godzilla Remix Project

Words can't describe how weird this website is.

They took a novel concept within the Godzilla soundtrack (which is adding Godzilla's roar within music tracks) and incorporated it within a whole range of different pieces.

They call it "The Godzilla Remix Project".

(For the record I liked the Godzilla help me God).

From classical music to Annie Lenox to even a statement from former President of the United States Bill Clinton, nothing is safe!

Don't believe me...check out the link below to see what I mean!

I've even included a video from their website as an example.

The Godzilla Remix Project

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Godzilla Movie News: Godzilla 1994 project now moving forward!

Here I go over some exciting news on the "Godzilla 1994" project that Todd Tennant had been working on, and how it may be produced into other formats soon!