Sunday, October 30, 2011

Godzilla director to film Independence Day 2/3 back to back, and without Will Smith?

With his newest movie "Anonymous" making the interview rounds, former Godzilla director Roland Emmerich was asked about his past blockbuster project "Independence Day" and the status of its sequels.

For the longest time we've been hearing soft rumours about Fox's interest in these movies.

But the end results have always been pure speculation at best, nothing ever concrete.

Now Emmerich himself is addressing these questions with definitive answers, so things are definitely looking up-and-up.

For starters has a nice article dealing with this topic, and provides some direct answers from Roland.

For example when he was asked about the status of the sequels, he directly stated "I'd say hold tight. It's happening soon".

It's been even suggested that such movies could start shooting next year.

They also address various "insiders" and the information they've been getting from them, such as one of the biggest hold-ups to these sequels being the massive amount of money it would take to rehire Will Smith.

Very fascinating stuff, and I highly recommend everybody to take a look at their detailed ID4 2/3 article here: Fox May shoot Independence Day 2/3 without Will Smith?

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