Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Disney Developing Sci-Fi Space Adventure 'Paladin'

It looks like Disney is developing yet another sci-fi adventure for a franchise, this one known as "Paladin" of all things.

What does this have to do with Godzilla you ask?

It's because Disney is hiring "Godzilla" screenwriter Max Borenstein to help write this.

Max of course was hired back in November to work on the new Godzilla movie for Legendary Pictures.

The fact that he is now working on this new Disney film tells me that he's finished his part on the Godzilla film.

I say this because generally most screenwriters do not take on multiple projects...unless you're David Goyer who can't seem to say no to anything these days.

This in turn tells me that we might hear something soon regarding the status of the new Godzilla movie...and who knows, it may be the good news we've all been waiting to hear...that things are finally moving forward.

Of course I could be wrong...but hopefully what I'm stating turns out to be true.

Here's the article for the full info:

hollywoodreporter.com: Disney Developing Sci-Fi Space Adventure "Paladin"

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