Sunday, May 13, 2012

Some updated Gareth Edwards news potentially coming soon?

FINALLY some updated Gareth Edwards news!

It looks like on May 19th and the 20th the Kapow Comic Convention will be held in London, and special guest Gareth Edwards will hold a Q&A there!

Gareth Edwards is of course the director of the upcoming "Godzilla" reboot from Legendary Pictures.

No doubt much of the questions fielded by the audience will be Godzilla related, and he's bound to produce some updates on the film.

I mean he can't just state "no comment" on every question...he's bound to say something in terms of where the movie stands right now right?

I'll keep everyone up to date on any news that occurs from this event, and will look for upcoming videos of the Q&A too.

For information on the event you can check it out here: The Raid and Gareth Edwards coming to Kapow

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