Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Prometheus & 15 Other Movies That Didn’t Live Up To The Hype

With Prometheus now having come and (almost) gone from theaters, reaction to the movie has been iffy at best.

Personally I haven't seen it yet, as I'm finally going to this weekend.

(I usually wait for movies to die down before checking them out, as I absolutely hate hate hate huge crowds at a theater. Huge crowds are a perfect recipe for movie-watching disaster, as I've learned my lesson early on in life).

In any case the main consensus seems to be that the film had potential...it just seemed to set everything up for the sequel rather than actually explaining things throughout the film.

Again I haven't seen it yet so my verdict remains up in the air...but in any case whatculture.com has a column on past movies with the same situation.

1998's Godzilla falls into this category at number 11, and here's what they have to state about the film:

"As a kid, when I first saw the trailer for Roland Emmerich’s re-imagining of the classic lizard, I counted the days till I could witness Godzilla in all it’s CGI glory. It looked like Jurassic Park, but BIGGER!!! Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear indeed…Bad acting, bad direction, and an even worse script, and then before it could get any worse, those damn baby Godzilla raptor-Jurassic Park- ripoff things showed up. For the love of God. The only film where I’ve rooted for the monster to win. Destroy the whole thing, crush everybody, please!"


To see more films listed check out the link here:

Prometheus & 15 other movies that didn't live up to the hype

What's that? You want one more picture of super-hot Charlize Theron? Sure no problem.

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