Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Godzilla Gangsters and Goliaths #2 Review

Now this is what I'm talking about!

I was finally able to get my hands on issues #2 and #3 of this Godzilla: Gangsters and Goliaths
series (#3 which I will review in the near future) and thus far everything is turning out perfect.

Writer Jon Layman continues to develop a fascinating story with Detective Sato, nicely mixing in Sato's quest for vengeance with 300 foot tall monsters no less.

In this issue Detective Sato returns home and starts his master plan to exact revenge on the mafioso King who ruined everything for him, utilizing Mothra as a key plot towards this.

Part of this plot is coercing the two little twins to agree with his work, something that they're not so willing to do at the beginning.

If there's one thing that I can criticize with this series, it's that Godzilla is nowhere to be seen.

For a series proudly stating his name on the front cover, Godzilla has really only been on one page thus far. Mothra is the lead monster here, although I highly suspect that's to change soon.

The artwork by Alberto Ponticelli continues to shine, incorporating the right amount of realism to convey the grittiness of the story involved.

I mean look at that Mothra spread!

That is absolutely beautiful!

Amazing how well Alberto captures the scope and size of these monsters within just one panel.

I give this issue 4/5 stars (again citing the lack of Godzilla), but still highly recommend everyone to buy this issue and go forward with this series, as it is turning out to be something truly great.

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