Sunday, September 18, 2011

Supervisors wary of ‘agri-tainment’ activities, which include Godzilla

Just when you thought you've seen everything related to Godzilla, one more weird item pops up.

There's a popular destination within San Mateo, CA called "Arata Farm" that is apparently utilizing Godzilla in a manner that almost shut down its operations.

As you can see from the photo above the "Farm" is not actually a true farm. Rather it consists of many family-filled attractions for tourists and nearby residents.

Such activities include the obviously large hay maze, sword fights, a petting zoo, small train raids, tours...and oh yeah, a Godzilla statue standing guard at the front of the entrance.

(In the picture he's there, but you can barely make him out on the bottom right hand corner).

This statue was what apparently almost shut the farm down, as county officials were uneasy with how this farmer was calling everything an "agri-tainment".

(As one county official had asked, "Why the Godzilla?")

Apparently they felt that the land should be used for actual farming due to its rich soil, and that permits were needed for all of this. (There's probably government grants involved mandating actual farm use too).

In any case the farmer (Chris Gounalakis) was able to convince them how Godzilla suited the farm's theme, so it and the "agri-tainment" activities have been granted operations at least until the end of this year.

Here's the original article for further reference: Supervisors wary of ‘agri-tainment’ activities but approve maze

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