Friday, September 16, 2011

Godzilla Image of the Day

This is a model of how Godzilla would have looked like within the now defunct 1994 "Godzilla" movie from director Jan De Bont.

(Such a model was created by legendary special effects wizard Stan Winston and his company).

As I had chronicled within one of my oldest YouTube videos (seen here), this was a movie that came so close to production actual sets were built.

A final draft of the script was done, the special effects were secured through Winston and ILM, locations were scouted and ready to film.

There was even a teaser trailer created for the film!

About the only thing missing were the actual actors, which were rumored to be the tag-team of Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt.

Unfortunately Tri-Star pulled the plug at the very last second over budgeting issues. They feared that $130 million was too high for their tastes, and so the studio ended up going with Roland Emmerich/Dean Devlin's version instead.

(On an ironic note, their budget actually went higher than De Bont's).

One can clearly see how close the model looks like Godzilla, only more reptilian in nature. Particularly with the eyes and scales, it's a great modernization of the monster in my opinion.

This model was eventually sold on Ebay, and some lucky bidder out there has this one-of-a-kind fantastic piece in their house somewhere.

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