Monday, September 12, 2011

Godzilla had a dinosaur nicknamed after him?

What you're looking at is a dinosaur that scientists have nicknamed "Godzilla" thanks to its rather unique size.

Part of the crocodilian family, this dinosaur lived around 135 million years ago throughout parts of the ocean. Completely amphibious it was a giant amongst its family class, so large in fact that this is where the "Godzilla" moniker came into play.

Its head alone was nearly the size of a T-Rex's
head, and its body measured a staggering 13 feet across!

With such a huge head you better believe it was mostly filled with monster size teeth, up to 4 inches in length in fact. Such features gave this predator the fiercest advantage when it came to hunting other fish down.

Of course the computer generated picture makes the dinosaur look nothing like Godzilla, but again the name has more to do with the freakish size difference between itself and the rest of its species.

It basically dwarfed any other families of species.

Here's the original link for further reference: 'Godzilla' Dino-Crocodile found

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