Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Making of the original Godzilla suit

Hello everybody this is Fernando for Godzilla Movie News.

I found this most interesting YouTube video that I highly recommend everybody to take a look at.

Made by Ed Godziszewski (good lord that's a unique last name), it's essentially a mini-documentary of sorts that chronicles how the original Godzilla suit from "Gojira
" was made.

In it is very fascinating material about what led to the design, who was behind it, how it was made, what has happened with the suit, what worked and what didn't work, and so on.

One even gets to see designs for different Godzilla suits, showcasing the range the producers originally wanted to go with.

Plenty of incredible behind-the-scenes photos too from the movie.

Great stuff, and again a highly recommended viewing!

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