Thursday, September 15, 2011

Comic relief: Veteran artist shares friends, skills with fans

You see this is why it's hard to hate anybody within the comic book field.

I've been riding artist Phil Hester a little too hard for his work on "Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters", calling it rushed and not as heavily detailed as I would like for it to be.

And then I find an article like this where Phil is so nice to his fans; how he frequently takes time out of his busy schedule to fly around the country for these signings.

Apparently they're done a "thank-you" to his fans for following his work, as he definitely appreciates all that they've done for him throughout his 20+ years in comics.

Comic book artists doing signings are not a new thing, as there are multitudes of them at comic and sci-fi conventions almost every week.

The difference here is that Phil does this signings at local comic book shops. This means that the potential audience is FAR smaller than at any convention, which means his chances of making any money are little to none.

But it goes to show how much he truly does these for the fans, as the article highlights how well he's cultivated such activities over the years.

Sort of makes me change my mind about his work all of a sudden.

In any case here's the original article for further reference: Comic relief: Veteran artist shares friends, skills with fans

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