Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Godzilla Image of the Day

(Credit for these images goes to the fantastic Godzilla 1998 website created by After Dusk Studios. Guys, you've really outdone yourself here. Here is their link for further reference. There you'll see so many great items about the film:

I had heard about this a long time ago, so it was great to be able to find something about it again.

What you're looking at are screenshots of the short-lived Godzilla 1998
virtual environment called "Godzilla: The Aftermath".

Essentially the concept was that (just like with any other SIMS game) you would create an avatar that would allow you to visit environments just destroyed by Godzilla.

Along the way you would meet other avatars/users from across the globe and get a chance to chat with them.

Huh? You can see why the idea was short lived.

While it was certainly innovative and intriguing (I mean it would be pretty cool to walk around areas that Godzilla just trounced, as the screenshots do look pretty cool), it's the jumble of an instant-chat medium that makes things so weird.

I feel that if this were instead a seek-and-play type of game (which other movie websites tend to do) it would have worked much better.

Imagine how cool it would have been to seek a very large portion of a Manhattan virtual environment for Godzilla's lost eggs, or help rescue Audrey Timmonds, or even locate Godzilla himself.

In any case I tried to see if anybody was still hosting this virtual world but alas it's gone.

Big kudos again to for finding at least some semblance of it.

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