Thursday, November 17, 2011

Godzilla (2014?) now has even more competition

With the latest Godzilla movie coming sometime in the near future (presumably 2014), it's no secret that other giant monster movies are also being developed.

There's the super-secret "Pacific Rim" film from Guillermo Del Toro, a project so secret nobody knows anything except a potential theme (giant monsters on an island).

There's the potential "Cloverfield 2" that J.J. Abrams and co. have repeatedly said could be done if the story is right.

Now comes word that New Line Cinema (owned by Warner Brothers, who are also developing the aforementioned "Godzilla" and "Pacific Rim") is bringing the classic game "Rampage" to the big screen.

Wow, it's going to be a giant monster movie mash within the next few years!

Producer John Rickard is meeting with writers to bring this film forward, with the idea that all three classic monsters (the ape, the werewolf and the Godzilla-like lizard) will appear.

Great news.

They're also planning on doing this on a smaller budget, perhaps in the same vein as "Cloverfield".

I'll be honest and state that I really look forward to this project.

I loved playing the video game at the arcade, and can see it working well on the big screen.

Who wouldn't want to see three giant monsters creating havoc throughout various cities!

Here's the original article for further info: Rampage film to be developed by New Line Cinema

I also found some classic arcade gameplay here. Enjoy!:

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