Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bambi Meets Godzilla makes a "50 Best Cartoons Ever" list

Like most everybody out there, I was first introduced to this comically absurd cartoon while watching the "Godzilla 1985" film on VHS.

I still think it's a rather pointless cartoon, but it undoubtedly made its mark within the cartoon world.

Added proof comes from including it within their "50 Best Cartoons Ever List".

The author Grey Hall remains vague as to why he included it within this list. My guess is that its absurdity again makes it so memorable.

That and practically most people out there, if asked if they've seen/heard of it, will undoubtedly say yes.

Here's the full article for this and further cartoons noted: 38th Best Cartoon ever: Bambi Meets Godzilla

A note before you go to that site. has made it frustratingly hard to even look at the article due to their infestation of streaming/rollover ads.

I always find it bizarre why websites do this.

If they're going to inundate a place with so many ads it causes the browser to nearly collapse, why on Earth would anybody come back to visit?

Also here's the cartoon in its entirety:

1 comment:

  1. hahaha should be best cartoon of all time. check out part 2 on youtube. hilarious
