Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Godzilla: Legends #3 info

Well it looks like people just can't get enough of Titanosaurus.

Freshly appearing from issue 11 of the Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters series (at least cover-wise), Titanosaurus is now given his own one-shot here.

I think what makes him so appealing, even after appearing in just two Godzilla movies, is his very unique look.

He's like the concept of a other kaiju even comes close to looking like him.

In any case here's the info provided from IDW for Titanosaurus's triumphant return:

Writer: Mike Raicht
Artist: Tony Parker
It’s the next LEGEND focusing on Godzilla’s fearsome foes. This time TITANOSAURUS takes the spotlight!! A school for telepathically-gifted children is opening and star pupil Tristan is wowing his teachers. However, when things start to go wrong for Tristan, his unusually strong connection to Titanosaurus could prove extremely dangerous— for himself and the entire city he lives in!

Sounds very interesting, and I will definitely pick up this issue the moment it arrives in my subscription pack.


  1. Titanosaurus appeared in one film, unless you count the flashback in Final Wars. Should be an interesting issue, always liked the monster.

  2. ^ second that. Just one film appearance (not including stock footage) however it was enough to make him my favorite kaiju all the same.
