Sunday, March 25, 2012

Godzilla Image of the Day

Just the other day I was talking about a great Hawaii tourism package where one can visit movie locations from "Jurassic Park", "50 First Dates" and even the 1998 "Godzilla" film.

(For the original article go here).

It turns out somebody has already been on this trip, and as you can see in today's "Image of the Day" the footprints Matthew Broderick inspected in the movie are still there!

How cool is that!

I guess Columbia Pictures thought it was more cost effective to leave the footprints as is rather than fill them in...but that's definitely our bonus now.

It looks like those footprints have definitely shown wear over the past decade, with the outer edges less distinct and more of the inside caved in with dirt.

But at least for anybody lucky enough to visit this site, it's the closest one can realize the aftereffects of a real-life "Godzilla"!

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