Saturday, April 14, 2012

Godzilla in a "5 weirdest laws in America" column

It's so weird what one comes across within the Internet sometimes.

Take this column from

It cites some of the strangest laws ever created within America, and oddly enough they highlight Godzilla within one of them.

Here's what they state:

"No. 5: Monsters must be licensed -- Urbana, Ill.

This one has grown to legendary status online in various forms along the lines of "Monsters are not allowed inside the city limits of Urbana." But that's not entirely true: Monsters are allowed; they just need to be licensed.

The basis for this strange city requirement can be found in an act from 1872, which states that "exhibitions of freaks of nature or monsters" staged for profit within city limits must first receive a license from the city clerk.

As the article notes, if Godzilla actually existed and were introduced in Illinois as a roadshow attraction...he would need a license for this.

...but if it's for charity...then not.

Weird huh?

If you want to read the rest of these strange laws check it out here:

That's illegal? 5 Weirdest laws in America

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