Thursday, April 12, 2012

What might space dinosaurs look like? has a quirky article proposing how dinosaurs would have looked like had they been space-bearing creatures.

They bring up Godzilla as an example, stating "Sure, he was made from nuclear radiation, but who’s to say that out there similar life forms haven’t evolved?"

Interesting theory.

I remember a Discovery Channel show stating that true space-bearing creatures (i.e. those living in the weightlessness of space) would not look like "Grey Aliens".

They would instead be unsymmetrical beings, meaning their appendages (arms/legs) would not have specific coordination, but would rather stick out at random places.

So in essence Godzilla would not be the final the result of a "Space Dinosaur".  It would rather look like something else completely different.

In any case here's the article: What might Space Dinosaurs have looked like?

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