Monday, June 4, 2012

Godzilla in a "Comic Book Crossovers We'd like to See" article has a new article dedicated to the Top 10 crossovers they'd like to see within the comic book world.

This is all in anticipation to the "Star Trek Next Generation and Doctor Who Assimilation" series that's just about to come out.

In the article they cite various crazy crossovers...such as GI Joe vs Dungeons and Dragons, Buffy vs True Blood, CSI: Planet of the Apes, and so on.

They even include Godzilla at number 3, this time matching him against another popular IDW franchise, Transformers!

Here's what they have to say on this:

"3. Godzilla vs. Transformers 

There is literally nothing about watching giant monsters kick the crap out of giant robots that doesn’t sound cool... And if you don’t agree, you’re probably reading the wrong website."


While I have no doubt that IDW would be more than happy to do seems like Toho Studios avoids mingling Godzilla with other trademark characters.

Sure Godzilla was in Marvel comics some decades back...and even met some Avengers along the way...but things sure have changed.

So the likelihood of this remains practically zero.

Here's the full article for the rest of the list: Top 10 Comic Book Crossovers We'd Like to See

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