Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Outside the Box: JIM STARLIN on Batman, Thanos and corporate comic books

Fantastic video that I highly recommend everyone to check out.

For those not in the know Jim Starlin is a great staple within the comic book industry.

Besides multiple popular runs throughout Marvel and DC, his most iconic work remains his creation of Thanos the Mad Titan.

Thanos is considered the ultimate villain of the Marvel Universe, a demigod whose mere actions cause the bulk of Marvel heroes (and villains) to band together to help defeat him.

If you haven't read any of the Thanos books...where have you been?!

The Infinity Gauntlet, Marvel Universe: The End, Silver Surfer: Rebirth of Thanos are just a few of the excellent books out there from him.

Which is why this video is so memorable...as here Jim explains why he'll never work at Marvel (or DC) again, essentially destroying any chance for another Thanos book.

This is everyone's loss for sure, and I hope that one day Jim retracts this statement.

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