Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Godzilla Image of the Day

****Credit goes to kotaku.com for this image****
Sorry for the delay in posts folks.

I was out on vacation for the past week and just got back from Washington D.C.

If you've never been I HIGHLY recommend taking a trip there soon.

Lots of places to see, lots of history to absorb, you'll literally spend hours at each location.

One thing I must warn you though...expect to do a LOT of walking. Most of these places are blocks and blocks apart from each other.

In any case here's today's "Image of the Day".

I know I had posted something like this before but this one still looks slightly different.

It's a theoretical cutout of Godzilla to showcase how he looks like inside.

Unfortunately I can't translate what's being transcribed within the pic...but it looks like Godzilla has two hearts? Can anyone else read what that says?

Interesting stuff nonetheless.

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