Thursday, August 16, 2012

Happy 50th Anniversary King Kong vs. Godzilla!

Did you know what this last week marked?

It's the 50th anniversary of the cult-classic King Kong vs. Godzilla!

It's strange to think know how a movie like that ever got made.

If it would be produced today, not only would it need a $300 million to get the effects right, but you would also need licensing from both Universal Studios and Toho Studios to even begin.

How it was nonchalantly made so easily back then is beyond me.

There were rumors that an amusement park ride featuring these two giants may have been in the works (see this popular post here)...but that's all it remained, some rumors.

In any case here's a great article by Destroyer14 chronicling this major event: Happy 50th Anniversary King Kong vs. Godzilla!

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