Sunday, August 26, 2012

Godzilla Image of the Day

****This comes courtesy of****

Sorry for the delay again folks in postings.

I was actually away for a week doing some training for my job and just got back.

To help start off the week I thought I would post a hilarious interpretation of a Thomas Kinkade painting. 

For those not in-the-know Thomas Kinkade was semi-controversial American painter.

What made him so controversial was his stance on mass-marketing every painting he ever did, something that most traditional "artists" frowned down upon.

(If you've ever seen a painting of a cottage in some dentist/office building, chances are it's one of his).

Frankly it makes perfect sense to me to get the most bang out of your artwork. The fact that some uppity artists felt he "commercialized" his trade is tedious at best.

In any case this painting comes courtesy of Ron Lemen, who decided to paint a traditional "Thomas Kinkade" backdrop about to be invaded by Godzilla!

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