Monday, October 22, 2012

Godzilla Half Century War # 1 Rankings

Well well...sorry for the delay again folks.

I just finished taking a week-long vacation in Las Vegas and I'm finally able to catch up on this site.

(I'll post an "Outside the Box" column on my trip soon, great stuff to come).

To help start off my return is some good Godzilla news!

It looks like the numbers are out for the latest Godzilla IDW series, Godzilla Half Century War #1, and things are looking great!

Debuting at #192nd place with 11,010 issues sold, it's a strong start considering how long Godzilla has remained with IDW now. 

Each month there seems to be 2 Godzilla continuing series' and things could easily be petering out.

But it seems like fans are still loyal to the brand and eager for new titles!

I have yet to pick up the title myself because I've moved more to the TPB format...but I can't wait to read this.

Of course it'll be interesting to see how #2 fares out, and I'll report on that soon.

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