Wednesday, October 26, 2011

David Goyer adding yet another project to his workload

This could potentially be bad news on the Godzilla front, at least when it comes to its delayed release.

Godzilla screenwriter David Goyer (famous for all of those Batman and Blade movies) is adding yet another project to his enormous workload, this time chronicling the young adventures of Leonardo Da Vinci.

Yeah I know, sounds weird to me too.

But the underlying message is that such a new project denotes that David may be shifting other priorities aside, particularly Godzilla.

It's no secret now that the Godzilla movie by Gareth Edwards is seriously delayed.

Despite all of the mentions from Edwards that things are moving forward...everyone involved sure has a strange way of showcasing it.

There was already the previous news of Edwards starting work on another sci-fi project.

Now David Goyer, who is already super busy with writing the "Man of Steel" picture, adapting an updated version of "The Invisible Man", and working on a "100 Bullets" project, is incorporating this new project...and we're expected to believe he's still focusing his primary duties on Godzilla?

All of this adds credence to the thought that it's now coming out in 2014, something that short of any official announcement will continue to be pure speculation.

In any case it's just my thoughts on the matter, and here's the original link for further reference: David Goyer penning Da Vinci's Demons for Starz

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