Sunday, October 23, 2011

EXCLUSIVE Interview: Matt Frank, artist for the Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters series!

Hello everybody this is Fernando for Godzilla Movie News.

I'm proud to announce that I was able to obtain an exclusive interview with super-popular Godzilla artist Matt Frank.

Matt Frank of course is cover artist for the hot-selling "Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters" series, creating all of those beautiful variant comic book covers for each issue.

(He had even set a record of sorts with creating no less than 80 to 100 different variant covers for the first issue).

Matt is definitely somebody shooting up the ranks when it comes to the comic book world, doing conventions and illustrating other comic book works out there, so it was great to be able to land him for this interview.

I've included copies of his work as reference throughout the interview.


Every comic book artist/illustrator usually has that moment or inspiration that led them to a path in artwork. What first prompted you to start drawing?
MF: It was actually more of a "deciding moment." I always loved to draw, and at one point during high school, my mother asked of me "What do you want to do for a living?" I simply replied "I just want to draw."

Who is your favorite illustrator?
MF: I don't think any artist has just ONE favorite illustrator. I'm a big fan of the work of William Stout, Joe Mad and Bob Eggleton, just to name a few.

I can remember the first time I ever saw Godzilla, and that was through a VHS copy of "Godzilla vs Megalon". How was Godzilla first introduced into your life?
MF: It was a birthday card I received when I was VERY had this weird, green, bipedal dinosaur on it, marching through a city. I had no idea what it was, but I knew I loved dinosaurs. My parents explained, much later to their regret, that it was "Godzilla," and I didn't see him in full glorious life until I caught GODZILLA 1985 on cable.

What is your favorite Godzilla movie?
MF: Probably MOTHRA VS. GODZILLA (1964) though GMK (2001) comes in strong second.

I've followed the sales figures for IDW's Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters series. Each issue is enjoying phenomenal success, so literally thousands and thousands of people are seeing your great cover art on a monthly basis. How did you first begin drawing for IDW?
MF: My first job for IDW was in 2007 or 2008, working on the BEAST WARS SOURCEBOOK. I simply shot them an email, included some of my art, and it was just good timing that Chris Ryall put me on that book. Godzilla didn't come until much later, when I began badgering Chris about it almost as soon as the comic was announced, along the lines of "Hey Chris, remember what I big Godzilla fan I am?"

Is there anything else you have coming up from them or anybody else?
MF: Aside from the first issue of GODZILLA: LEGENDS, which I provided interiors for and co-wrote, I'm currently just doing covers, though I'm pitching a few other things. I've got a one-shot through Fun Publications for the Transformers Collector's Club coming out next year, as well as a few other projects cooking, though I can't say what's coming out exactly when!

There are many people out there reading this who also like to draw and may choose to make it their career. What is the best advice you can offer to those potential illustrators?
MF: Number 1: Practice every day, and not just monsters. Draw all SORTS of stuff! Number 2 - Take criticism positively, especially from other artists. Most are just trying to help you.

Random question: Who is your favorite celebrity encounter?
MF: Admittedly, I've met a few celebrities, such as Don Frye, Haruo Nakajima, and Akira Takarada, but one of my favorite memories has to be when I was standing at a table during G-Fest, looking over the products from Chibi Goji Toys. Linda Conrad, who I know and love, was running the table, and she looked up next to me and said "Oh my God! Bob Eggleton's at my table!"
I turned, and Bob was standing next to me. I said "Oh my God, I'm standing next to Bob Eggleton!" He replied "Oh my God, I'm standing next to Matt Frank!" Like I'm anywhere near his level!

There you go everybody!

Again huge thanks to Matt for taking time out of his busy scheduling for this interview. From all Godzilla fans out there we definitely appreciate it.

If you'd like to go visit his website to see more of his work and upcoming projects, please visit

If you haven't secured your copy of his upcoming work in "Godzilla: Legends" be sure to do so at your local comic book store.

I've already done it and can't wait to read this issue, of which I'll chronicle later on within this website.

1 comment:

  1. Great interview. So you're able to secure the variant? I always thought it was shipped along with the regular cover, I gotta reserve my own then.
