Sunday, October 2, 2011

Godzilla: Legends #2

For December IDW publishing is also soliciting the second issue of their newest series "Godzilla: Legends".

To reiterate this series spotlights various foes/allies within the Godzilla franchise, each issue being a stand-alone story.

I love this notion as it nicely starts/finishes everything very conveniently, and I definitely look forward to picking this series up issue by issue.

If it's anything like my favorite Godzilla series thus far "Godzilla: Gangsters and Goliaths", then I'll be happy to add this to my collection too.

Plus check out the amazing Rodan cover, who is going to be chronicled within this issue.

It is by FAR one of the best covers I have ever seen. Rodan looks amazing!

Cover artist Chris Scalf should definitely continue doing such covers, as I would love to see his interpretation of Godzilla himself.

In any case here's the excerpt from IDW:

The spotlights on Godzilla's greatest foes and allies continue! This issue focuses on the master of the skies— the mighty Rodan! When Rodan's egg is stolen and kept at military research facility, the winged beast is tireless in its attempts to retrieve it. However, the human intrigue and betrayal inside the facility will ultimately hold the key to whether Rodan and child will be reunited again!

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