Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Godzilla Image of the Day

What you're looking at are concept images of Godzilla from the "Godzilla Final Wars" movie.

...who exactly is Yoji Shinkawa, and more importantly...has he ever seen a Godzilla movie?

Just look at these designs.

They look nothing like him. Godzilla doesn't stand erect, nor does he have a body like an Olympic sprinter.

While I realize that the "Godzilla 1998" film also took liberties when it came to Godzilla's design, this film never set out to do this.

We all knew ahead of time that Toho was going to make this the final Godzilla movie (for at least some time period), so this was the design that almost came to be?

Thankfully somebody took a look and rejected them outright, but still it's amazing that they were even considered.

Crazy world.

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