Friday, January 20, 2012

"Godzilla" listed within a Reboot column has an interesting article regarding upcoming reboots within Hollywood.

The latest "Godzilla" movie is listed here...and while there's no real new information, the reason I cite the article is because of the other interesting movies listed.

Who knew so many classics are getting reworked now.

For example "The Birds", the classic Alfred Hitchcocks tale of suspense and fear, is already getting remade with the beautiful Naomi Watts (pictured) starring.

Then there's Mary Shelly's "Frankenstein", which is getting remade by none other than Guillermo Del Toro. Apparently the movie is going to take place in a setting outside of the Victorian age, which with Guillermo's eye for fantasy worlds, should make an interesting twist.

Then "RoboCop" is getting the remake boot, which is something that I do not agree with as the first two films (not counting the third) are already classics. Who knows how this is going to turn out, but whoever does it has to tread on light ice.

In any case check out the link below for more info on these remakes and others: More Movie Reboots Are Planned For the Future

BONUS: Naomi Watts is a heavenly Angel sent to Earth, as the bottom picture proves:

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