Friday, January 20, 2012

Weird Godzilla Toy...part 19

I don't know if this really counts as a toy...but then again how else can it be classified?

It's a plaything that people use for fun...does that not specify a toy?

In any case this costume is both weird and cute at the time. Weird for the dog (who no doubts looks at us as if we're crazy) but super cute for everyone else.

How is he able to lick himself...or pee for that matter? Hopefully they're not in that costume for too long.

As a Bonus I've included two of my favorite dog costumes. Tell me you cannot look at these pics and automatically go awwwwwwwww.

For more costumed dog pics (including the originals I listed here) check out this website: 15 Weird Dog Costumes

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