Monday, February 20, 2012

"Godzilla" rescued from a fire

Who knew that even Godzilla needed some saving every now and then.

Pictured is "Godzilla", the pet iguana that was recently saved from a disastrous house fire in Cincinnati.

(Named of course after the iguana-lizard from the 1998 film, it was kept as a pet by owner Nikki Hagaman).

So yeah even "Godzilla" needs some saving, and it was good to see animal control officers willing to help during the fire.

What makes this story unique is that this iguana was just one of 77 pets rescued during the fire!

It seems that Nikki was in fact an animal hoarder!

It took this fire for Cincinnati officials to realize this, and as such the entire lot of animals, including "Godzilla" have been sent to various adoption agencies.

In fact the fire was caused when a heat lamp used to warm the lizards accidentally caused a towel to catch on fire.

Strange story.

I can see the good in people when they try and take care of so many animals at one time...but as with anything  there has to be a level of moderation involved.

Too much of something is always a bad thing, and as a result Nikki is now out of a home and these animals could have lost their lives.

For the entire story check it out here: Fire hits home with at least 77 pets inside

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I just found some irony in this. Godzilla was rescued by his own weapon!
