Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Godzilla-sized monster teased for "Resident Evil 6"

Recently Capcom unveiled the newest trailer for "Resident Evil 6", the latest in the ultra-successful "Resident Evil" franchise.

What makes me talk about this game/trailer here is that it includes a very very very quick shot of what looks to be a Godzilla-sized monster as a villain.

You can see the shrouded image of this monster above, and on the embedded trailer here:

The game of course looks FANTASTIC...the best looking game yet, and I can't wait to play it just for that specific level.

There's just something about facing such a giant creature that makes it so cool.

Other games have done this in the past like "Shadow of the Colossus" and "Resistance 2" to great effect.  Having the hero face such amazingly large opponents makes things both daunting and amazing.

The "Resistance 2" in particular stands out with its Leviathan level, which I've included here for your viewing pleasure:

Now THAT is a Godzilla-sized monster!

In any case here's the original article which showcases more images from the upcoming "Resident Evil 6" game:

gamezone.com: Resident Evil 6 Trailer breakdown

As an added bonus, how could I not include pictures of the two sexiest BABES within the "Resident Evil" movies.


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