Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Legendary Pictures Officially Shuts Down Alex Proyas' 'Paradise Lost'

Just this past week Legendary Pictures did something that showcases what could happen to the Godzilla reboot.

For the longest time now (several years in fact) Legendary Pictures had a "Paradise Lost" motion picture in the back burner.

(For those not in the know, "Paradise Lost" is essentially about Adam and Eve's downfall combined with Satan's fall from grace/heaven).

With a big name director like Alex Proyas (of Dark City and I, Robot fame) on board, and big name stars like Bradley Cooper and a $120+ million budget added into the mix, Legendary Pictures was wanting this movie to be a whole new franchise of sorts.

It was going to be their next summer blockbuster.

But with things being in development hell for so long, and the expected budget escalating considering the massive special effects needed, Legendary Pictures now has cold feet and has officially shut down (or postponed) production.

Why do I consider this affecting the Godzilla reboot?

Because it showcases what Legendary Pictures can do when even a sure thing suddenly becomes risky.

"Paradise Lost" had all of the makings of a summer blockbuster.

Big special effects, big directors and stars, epic themes involving battles across various realms like heaven and hell...and yet this sure thing suddenly had the plug pulled.

As the article from firstshowing.net states:

"While Legendary may be shutting down the project for now, Thomas Tull, Jon Jashni and producer Vincent Newman will continue developing it to craft a budget (currently at around $120 million) that's a bit more reasonable."

Such a thing can occur to the Godzilla reboot if Legendary Pictures gets that same cold feeling.

If they feel that the Godzilla reboot's budget is too high, or if moviegoers mindset still hasn't changed from the 1998 film, or even if Toho is playing too much hardball with their characters, things can still be shut down asap.

I hope it doesn't happen...but it always can.

Here's the original article about "Paradise Lost" for more info:

firstshowing.net: Legendary Pictures officially shuts down Alex Proyas' Paradise Lost

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