Thursday, February 16, 2012

Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters #12 now available!

Get ready because what looks to be the final issue from the "Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters" series is just out in comic books stores now!

Issue #12 recaps the aftermath of the gigantic battles that ensued before, and IDW has provided a great preview of this here:

Based on what's seen here it looks to end things on a somber note, with writer Jason Ciaramella adding a serious tone to reflect on humanity's aftermath.

All in all if I had to give the series a score from 0 to 100 I would rank it at the 70 percent range.

It had it's moments that were good, but it also had enough dumb moments to force IDW to switch creative teams mid-way...and also start things over with a whole new series (which I chronicled here).

(One can also find the ENTIRETY of my comments on this series, from start to finish, here).

But at the end of the day it's still a Godzilla series, and it was good to have IDW champion this franchise into the comic book world once again!

Here's to the new series debuting in May, which I will of course chronicle here on this website!

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