Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Godzilla mural by Minneapolis kids covers up bad graffiti

It looks like Godzilla saves the day yet again!

Apparently some homeowners in Minneapolis kept seeing their garage spray painted with gang signs.

No matter how many times they kept covering it up with paint, the next day those thugs kept doing the same thing.

Here's a sample of what that graffiti looked like:

After months of this happening the homeowners were surprised to receive a letter from some middle schoolers proposing a solution.

They would paint a Godzilla mural over the graffiti!

The owners decided to go forward with this idea, and as you can see in the top photo the end results looked pretty great.

It was a little weird to see Godzilla a) purple, and b) spitting out flowers instead of his flame breath, but I imagine it was all geared towards sending a positive message to whomever was doing this.

And apparently it worked, as the story didn't include any mention of those gang members doing anything else thereafter.

So Godzilla saves the day yet again!

Here's the original article for further reference:

Blogs.citypages.com: Godzilla mural by Minneapolis kids covers up bad graffiti

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