Friday, September 30, 2011

Even Terrorists know about Godzilla?

Apparently New York City is experiencing an unfortunate rise in terroristic threats, which is placing everybody there on high alert.

New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly was recently on 60 minutes to talk about this.

During the segment he went over all of the efforts his police and anti-terrorism departments are taking to help thwart such threats.

An interesting tidbit occurred when he began discussing items overheard on surveillance tapes.

Apparently some of the suspected terrorists kept referring to attacking "that Godzilla bridge".

Of course they were referring to the Brooklyn Bridge featured in the 1998 Godzilla
film. This famous scene involved Godzilla getting stuck between the bridge's cables, which led to his eventual doom.

How morbidly bizarre (and unfortunate) that some of the most despicable people out there somehow know of Godzilla.

This is one of those rare circumstances where even Toho studios would want none of this associated with their franchise.

Here's the original article for further info: NY Police Commish Warns Terrorists to stay away

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