Friday, September 30, 2011

Forget Sad Keanu, how about Sad Godzilla

Oh boy....

I come across some weird Godzilla news every now and then, but occassionally there's one that takes the cake.

I present to you the newest novel called "Sad Monsters: Growling on the Outside, Crying on the Inside
", which according to author Frank Lesser containes "humourous storeis about the undead...and the unloved".

Such is the case with one short story called "Godzilla's Existential Crisis".

It's essentially Godzilla questioning his own existence through a myriad of depression/antectodal notes.

Here's a quick excerpt from it:

September 3:
Woke up after twenty-year hibernation. Hate when I oversleep-meant to hibernate fifteen years, sixteen tops. Terrible crick in neck-must have slept on my tail wrong.

March 8
Wound up hitting snooze for six more months. Barely had enough energy to rampage to the bathroom, let alone through a city, but finally rolled out of bed and destroyed Tokyo. Again. Starting to wonder, what's the point? They're just going to rebuild.

March 12
Couldn't sleep, so woke up early and went for a jog through Osaka. Kept wondering what happens to people after I stomp on them. Do they have souls that live on, that I can also stomp on? Or is the human soul unstompable? Maybe I'm just going through a midlife thing. Never had these worries during the Mesozoic era. When I was younger, each screaming villager felt like a triumph, like I was really doing something with my life. Now I just wish they'd shut up and accept it, or at least quit it with the antiaircraft missiles. Those things really irritate my eczema.

...oh boy.

Although I'm not just going to dismiss it right away. If there's good writing then it should be read. I just find it so weird that Godzilla is involved.

But I did like the cartoon illustrated above. It looks like a chariacature of Godzilla morphed in with Woody Allen.

Here's the original article for further excerpts: Sad Monsters by Frank Lesser

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