Monday, September 26, 2011

Godzilla 1985 was shown in Digital?

Apparently so.

Just a few years back in 2006 the "Monsters HD" channel decided to conmemorate the just-passed 20th anniversary of the Godzilla 1985
by holding a digital screening on their channel.

But it wasn't just any old release.

Rather "Monsters HD" took the time and effort of restoring the movie with a cleaner image, enhanced colors, stereo output, and it was all presented in widescreen no less.

They even altered certain scenes and sound effects to reflect the Japanese release.

It was amazing to think that my favorite Godzilla film obtained such a great release, as it deserves no less.

But it still creates a frustrating feeling because all of this special treatment went into this one-time showing for a movie channel...and yet a DVD/Blu-Ray still seems impossible?!

(More of this is chronicled here).

In any case here's a great website link chronicling in detail that special airing, and I highly recommend everybody to take a look: Godzilla 1985 widescreen on Monsters HD Channel

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