Sunday, March 18, 2012

10 Worst Science Fiction Movie Remakes of All Time has another great article, this one highlighting the "10 Worst Science Fiction Movie Remakes of all Time".

(Who knew there were even enough titles to make up such a list...but there they are).

They've added who the "culprits" are within each listing, along with the reasons the films have so much hatred.

Included within this list are Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes, The Stepford Wives (pictured), The Day the Earth Stood Still and others.

This also includes none other than the 1998 Godzilla film, which they have to state the following:

The culprit: Roland Emmerich.
Why the hate? Emmerich and the world's most famous Kaiju, joining forces, ought to have been a slam dunk. Emmerich loves the mass destruction, and he's generally pretty good with big effects sequences. The main problem is the crappy CG monster, that doesn't look anything like the real Godzilla. Plus all of the human characters in the movie are unengaging — and this is the second strike for Matthew Broderick, after Stepford. Most of all, the action is boringly staged.

Now I still think the CGI was pretty good, and in some shots (particularly the fish-eating scene) they look photo realistic.

Plus the notion that the action was "boringly staged" is horribly wrong. Great action pieces throughout the film, including an amazing initial first attack on Godzilla, and the final chase scene between Godzilla and the heroes.

In any case here's the original article for the full list. 10 Worst Science Fiction Movie Remakes of all Time

By the way Nicole Kidman is insanely hot. I believe the hottest she's ever looked was in the Batman Forever.

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