Friday, March 23, 2012

Matt Frank to headline Chimaeracon 2012

If you're in San Antonio, TX this coming April 6th to the 8th, then you're in luck as fan-favorite Godzilla artist Matt Frank will be headlining the 2012 Chimaeracon.

Here's how the convention is described within their official website:

Chimaeracon is a South Texas festival for Gamers, Sci-Fi enthusiasts and Anime fans. Come and enjoy video games, miniatures, card games, RPGs, live action role play and much more. Join discussion panels, participate in the costume contest, and hang out with people interested in Gaming, Sci-Fi and Anime.

Sounds like a blast!

Matt is of course on a recent hot streak with his Godzilla work.

Creating some of the most intriguing cover artwork within multiple IDW issues, he was also given his own issue within the recent "Godzilla: Legends" series.

Here's the official link for more info on the location and the costs involved:

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