Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Matt Frank’s ‘Godzilla’ No. 2 cover art

Mysanantonio.com has been given an advance preview to another great Godzilla cover by artist Matt Frank.

Look at how beautiful that looks!

To debut with issue #2 of the newest IDW ongoing series "Godzilla", this cover features Godzilla and the all new series character "Boxer".

Interestingly enough this was actually going to be the cover to issue #1...but for whatever reason IDW replaced it with a painted cover.

It's not all bad news for Matt though, as IDW Editor Bobby Curnow has promised to have Matt produce covers for every issue thereafter!

Great stuff!

Here's the original article for full info on this issue, along with Matt's upcoming comic book convention appearance:

blog.mysanantonio.com: Matt Frank's Godzilla No 2 Cover Art

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