Friday, July 6, 2012

Outside the Box: Dredd motion poster

How cool is this!

Like most comic book fans I still have a liking for the Judge Dredd character.

Like Batman on steroids with a mixture of the Punisher, he remains one of my favorite comic book characters.

There's just something about his finality...that he is the judge, jury and (in a LOT of cases) the executioner that seems to fill a hole within the comic book world.

There's no negotiating with second reprieve.

It's a black and white world with him and you're either a lawful citizen or not.

That's why I'm ultra-excited that a new film is coming out towards the end of this year!

I liked the Judge Dredd (yes, I said it) because it was as simple of a comic book movie as needed. It didn't take itself too seriously because in the Dredd do so would bring a mockery of sorts.

I mean we're talking about clones and flying bikes and giant robots and desert cannibals all rolled up into one film! How can you attempt to make that into a "Dark Knight" movie of sorts?

Even then I'm curious as to where this new film is heading, as it looks to be a pumped-up version of Die Hard set in the future...and that isn't exactly a bad thing.

In any case check out the trailer below to see what I mean. Hopefully you'll be excited for this as I am!:

Plus it has the super-sexy Lena Headey, which in my book can be in as many movies as she'd like.

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