Thursday, August 25, 2011

Godzilla Gansters and Goliaths #1 Rankings

Hello everybody this is Fernando for Godzilla Movie News.

Conversely Godzilla Gangsters and Goliaths #1 didn't exactly come out with a bang.

Coming in at a miserable 158th out of 300 rankings, it's official retail orders were only 13,392 issues.

I would like to think that this has to do with the terrible title this series has, but who knows considering it's the retailers that order these things in the first place.

While 13,392 is still a good size considering IDW's indie status of sorts, it's a far cry from the more than 50,000+ plus ordered for "Kingdom of Monsters #1".

My hope is that sales for this series pick up considering it's a really good read. If you'll select the label listed below for the title it will take you to my original review, and I highly recommend anyone to pick it up when they have a chance.

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