Friday, August 26, 2011

Godzilla Kaiju Wars Board Game

Hello everybody this is Fernando for Godzilla movie news.

How AWESOME is this!

It's a table top game modeled after the Godzilla films themselves!

Much like the game Risk, the idea is to use strategy to win over your opponents before they can defeat your monster.

I don't know if the game subtracts or gives points for the most destruction done, but if it's Godzilla related it has to be the latter if you know what I mean.

I love how the pieces look too; it's like a little mini version of any city commonly found within a Godzilla movie.

Now the news related to this gaming article (timed at February of this year) stated that it was coming soon, and sure enough it's at right now ready to buy. Looks like a pretty sweet game if you ask me.

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