Friday, November 25, 2011

Weird Godzilla Toy...part 17

Alright who's the brainchild that mixed these two polar-opposite franchises into one.

You're looking at a one-of-a-kind Godzilla Koosh Ball.

Yes there is such a product in this world.

I've chronicled various weird Godzilla related merchandise in the past (such as a Godzilla beer holder, a Godzilla stamper, a Godzilla resin toy) but this one takes the cake.

How could this toy possibly ever work?

The basic concept behind a Koosh Ball is to hold it in your hand and squish it.

There's no real reason or rhyme to it, it just feels good considering all of the feelers involved.

But how can this be accomplished if you've got a Godzilla figure morphed into it now?

Plus this toy cannot substitute as a traditional articulated toy as none of the appendages move.

This toy is basically stuck in the middle of nowhere's land, and this is where it fails miserably.

Apparently the Godzilla 1998 toy makers went to great lengths to merchandise everything humanly possible as one needs to look no further than this toy for added proof.

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