Monday, December 12, 2011

Best looking Godzilla statue ever!

****Credit for these pics goes to "Punynari" and her wordpress account****

What you're looking at are pictures of an incredible Godzilla statue located in Kurihama (Yokosuka) Japan.

Is this not the coolest looking statue!

Look at the size of this thing!

The main profile pic showcases some people nearby as a size comparison. They're like ants compared to its mammoth size.

I don't know what this statue is associated with or if it's some part of local amusement park, but the results are definitely there!  Whoever made this statue should make other statues related to the Godzilla franchise.

On top of that the back part of Godzilla's tail is actually a slide, so children can easily slide down Godzilla for added amusement.

Fantastic looking display!

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