Friday, December 16, 2011

Godzilla: Gangsters and Goliaths TPB Review has a great "Godzilla: Gangsters and Goliaths" review from user "LAWLZY96".

Essentially he agrees with everything I've been stating before.

This mismatch of themes, one involving mafioso/gangster men and the other kaiju monsters, should have imploded upon the first issue.

But writer John Layman was able to expertly mingle the two while still creating a rousing and intriguing story.

The main character Detective Sato truly was someone you wanted to root for, which is miles ahead of whatever was happening within the "Godzilla Kingdom of Monsters" series.

It goes to show how important feeling empathy towards a character can be.

Plus the artwork by Alberto Ponticelli was perfectly adequate. It gave the series that roughness it needed in order to convey a seedy atmosphere.

(On a side note I tried getting Alberto to agree to an interview but alas he never responded back to my inquiries. Oh well).

In any case here's the original review for further info. I also recommend everybody to pick up this TPB when you have a chance.

You won't regret it: Godzilla Gangsters and Goliaths TPB Review

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