Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Mothra vs Godzilla" makes a Literary Review Monstrous Matchups list

The classic film "Mothra vs Godzilla" makes a California Literary Review list for best "Monstrous Matchups".

Essentially the article was chronicling films/TV shows creating great matchups between certain characters.

For example they cite the Aliens vs Predator films, the various species fights within the Star Trek universe, the vampires and humans within the True Blood show, and so on.

While I consider "King Kong vs Godzilla" to be a more historic matchup within the Godzilla franchise, it's still good to see Mothra recognized.

I also agree with how the article compares the two monsters.

While Godzilla is really just a slumbering/destructive force of nature, Mothra "...has a rather more complicated mythology. Ruling as a deity over her own island, she is chiefly interested in breeding larvae to carry on her legacy".

Utilizing this I can see why this film was picked due to the complex nature between the two kaiju.

In any case here's the original article for further info:

The Weekly Listicle: Celebrating Monstrous Matchups

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