Monday, December 19, 2011

A Propaganda-laden Godzilla?!

Well least that's what newly deceased dictator Kim Jong iL was trying to create some years back.

The story goes that Kim Jong iL was a huge fan of films, owning over 20,000 copies in fact, and he wanted to create his own "Godzilla" film.

The difference was that this film would be filled with forced propaganda stating that North Korea is great and that capitalism is bad.

As such Kim Jong iL had noted South Korean film director Shin Sang-ok and his wife kidnapped, and under extreme duress Shin was forced to make this film.

The resulting film was called "Pulgasari", which was released back in 1985.

Luckily Shin and his wife escaped a year later...but otherwise an interesting bit of trivia no?

That's not all, as Kim Jong iL had many other quirks that are described within this fascinating article.  I highly recommend everybody to give it a read: North Korea's 'Dear Leader': what you didn't know

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