Sunday, December 18, 2011

"Destroy All Monster" Blu-Ray Review has some great insight on the recently re-released "Destroy All Monsters"

They actually give it a somewhat mild-to-negative review, citing the release's lack of improved Audio and Visual aspects, particularly on the Blu-Ray itself.

They state that while things were definitely upped considering previous editions, Media Blasters (the makers of this re-release) didn't take full advantage of Blu-Ray's capabilities.

For example they state that the picture quality transfer looks good but not great. There's lack of detail in many of the scenes, at least up to what a Blu-Ray should present.

They did like the sound aspect though, even if it was just in 2.0...but still in HD no less.

Ultimately they stated that Godzilla collectionists would enjoy adding this to their pile, as it's still a copy to own.

Here's the original article for all this info: Destroy All Monsters Blu-Ray Review

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